Remarkable Ways to Improve Access to Healthcare in Singapore

You’d be surprised to learn that people without insurance tend to live sicker and die younger. For this reason, companies such as 1FSS stand firmly with patients and are committed to expanding their health care coverage and protecting them from insurance industry abuses.

If this is not enough, the continuously support a suite of finance services for Singapore’s entire public healthcare system, including the public hospitals, polyclinics and community hospitals. In this way, our public healthcare institutions can focus on their core mission of providing healthcare services.

Even though coverage alone is doesn’t guarantee access, it is critical first step. Improving access to health care means taking a broad approach that includes a wide range of things. And that’s precisely what this quick blog post will help you uncover today.

As a good starting point, you will have to stabilize insurance marketplaces, and retain ACA market reforms. There are numerous things we should do to foster a stronger health insurance marketplace and ensure that low-and moderate-income patients are able to secure affordable and adequate coverage.

One such step entails opposing the sale of health insurance plans in the individual and small-group markets that don’t guarantee pre-existing condition protections together with coverage of vital health benefits and their associated protection against annual and lifetime limits. The same applies for out-of-pocket expenses with the exception of short-term, limited duration offered for no more than three months.

It is worth noting that telehealth and remote patient monitoring is destined to become a critical, cost-effective and reliable way of expanding capacity in a health system that’s constantly marred by significant and persistent specialty shortages and geographic disparities. Moreover, physicians and medical practitioners need assurances that digital health solutions are cost-effective and offer a clear path to payment.

With the current state of Singapore’s healthcare system, it is quite evident that the future is bright. Now more than ever, the Singaporean government and private companies are working together to allow for far more improved healthcare services in the country.

Accolades to 1FSS for their role in enhancing public healthcare sector’s performance by unlocking synergies and economies of scale in finance transaction processing. Their strategies are perfectly designed to drive optimal performance through the centralization of shared services and the digitization and automation of finance transaction processing.

To learn more on how 1FSS is transforming Singapore’s healthcare sector, simply check out their official website today!

Cella Jane

Cella Jane is a freelance writer with over 10 years of experience in the entertainment industry. She has written for a variety of publications and websites, covering everything from movies and TV shows to music and pop culture. When she's not writing, Jane enjoys hiking, traveling, and attending live music events.

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